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Dustin Nemos, the man behind the bestselling book on QAnon, banned everywhere - continues his mission from the trenches of the Information War to Break the Cycle of Fake News, by reporting real information the establishment does NOT want you to know about.

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September 28, 2024

Agree about false man of peace

September 25, 2024

I just found out, the book of Joel apparently references white Israelites as a “strong people” there hath “not ever been the like”

“Nothing shall escape them (the Israelites)”

(The Israelites are like) “the noise of a flame, a fire,” etc etc and it’s referencing the “Day of the Lord. I believe the book of Joel is directly referencing Obadiah 18 I recommend anybody read/listen to Joel. It’s further evidence of Nemos’ theology, and it’s very specific. Just another piece of evidence

September 17, 2024

With australia,n.zealand,canada& the u.s.a being lumped together to form a union , are we then 1 of the horns of the beast? The number on the bottom left of the bar code is the number according to the prophecy of the 10 crowns with 10 horns!? We in ausi land wanted to be independant as we are an island but Riccardo Bossi says that Trump wants us all together as WE canot govern ourselves. We verry much love you guys to visit or buy a home here but as Trump has said "you will never have to vote again" We ausi's arnt sure about this ...does it mean we will be governed MORE by the jews and will the corrruption that has plaged usa & canada be more of our down fall? And how do we get them out when there in ..in another country? God help us.

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