News • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
Dustin Nemos, the man behind the bestselling book on QAnon, banned everywhere - continues his mission from the trenches of the Information War to Break the Cycle of Fake News, by reporting real information the establishment does NOT want you to know about.

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June 19, 2024

This morning I received a error message when trying to access the serapeum. Here is the message:

This website has been disabled.

If you are the site-owner, please contact Technical Support for further information and assistance.

2 hrs later I am able to access the serapeum.

supporting your work .. good job

March 02, 2024

Hi Dustin and everyone here,
I just watched his recent video, The Final Solution to Jews Worldwide and I was blown away. It inspired me to join here and support Dustin. Thanks, Dustin, for calling out Cliff High. His most recent rants lead me to believe he is anit-Christ and part of this huge deception that is going on now, to lead people away from YHWH.
I would also like to comment on the pronunciation of YHWH. I have been watching videos of Diana Lenska, on bitchute and Hugo talks, on bitchute and elswhere. They are pronouncing it Yah-Hoo-A, which is in line with the Yah-Shu-A pronunciation of his son, Jesus Christ. And Diana pointed out that the word/pronouncement of praise, Alleluja, has the Yah-Hoo-A pronouncement built in. That gave me chills, and is why I choose to pronounce our Father, the Creator's name as such. What do you think?

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